Data and Privacy

Bill (Crossfile)Bill Title & Upcoming HearingsSponsorStatusPositionTestimony
HB 567 (SB 541) Maryland Online Data Privacy Act of 2024

Approved by the Governor - Chapter 454 (5/9) Support with AmendmentHB 567 Support with Amendments.pdf (2-9)
SB 541 (HB 567) Maryland Online Data Privacy Act of 2024

Approved by the Governor - Chapter 455 (5/9) Support with AmendmentSB 541 Support with Amendments.pdf (2-13)
HB 634 (SB 444) Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center - Student Information - United States Census Bureau

Approved by the Governor - Chapter 63 (4/9) SupportHB 634 Support Testimony.pdf (2-12)
SB 444 (HB 634) Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center - Student Information - United States Census Bureau

Approved by the Governor - Chapter 64 (4/9) SupportSB 444 Support Testimony.pdf (2-6)

SB 444 Support Testimony (crossover).pdf (3-18)

HB 708 Institutions of Postsecondary Education - Institutional Debt - Report

In the House - Hearing 2/20 at 12:00 p.m. (2/1) OpposeHB708_USM_MICUA_MACC_UNFAV.pdf (2-16)